The intrinsic samples are designed to show how to utilize the intrinsics supported by the  Intel® C++ compiler in a variety of applications. The intrinsic_samples folder contains a Microsoft Visual Studio* solution file, a build.bat file for compiling and running using the Windows* command line build environment, an 'msvs201x' folder containing Microsoft Visual Studio* project files in sub-folders (one for each intrinsic sample), and a 'src' folder containing the intrinsic code samples.  There are also Makefiles for compling and running on Linux* or macOS*.

The intrinsic samples require processors that support Intel® MMX™ and Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (Intel® SSE2) or higher. If not supported, the application will fail.

The samples can be compiled unoptimized (-O0 for Linux* or macOS*; /Od for Windows*), or at any level of optimization (-O1 through -O3 for Linux* or macOS*; /O1 through /O3 for Windows*).   No other compiler options are needed to compile the samples.

Read the Intel(R) C++ Compiler Documentation for more information about these options.

Build Instructions

Use the one of the build.bat (Windows*) or Makefile (Linux*, macOS*) targets:

Windows*: clean, debug, release, run   (build [clean|debug|release|run])

Linux* and macOS*: clean, debug, release, run, debug_run  (make [clean|debug|release|run|debug_run])

The samples include Microsoft Visual Studio 2013*, 2015* and 2017* solutions and corresponding project files.